5 Steps on How to Be a Vegetarian

The term "vegetarian" conjures up the image of a person who eats only vegetables. However, there are varying degrees of vegetarianism. A vegan eliminates meat, fish, dairy products and eggs, along with any of their byproducts. Lacto-vegetarians allow dairy products and lacto-ovo vegetarians allow dairy products and eggs. Pesco-vegetarians allow fish, dairy products, and eggs. Pollo-vegetarians eat chicken, but no fish or red meat. Pesco-pollo-vegetarians eat chicken and fish, but no red meat. With the proper education, you can learn how to be a vegetarian.


    • 1

      Research how to become a vegetarian. Since there are various levels of vegetarianism, you have many options from which to choose. Decide what type of vegetarian you will become based on the one that will best suit your lifestyle.

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      Learn all you can about the vegetarian lifestyle. You will be making some big changes and you need to understand what you are getting into. Read books about becoming a vegetarian and visit websites, blogs, and forums to get a first-hand account of what it's like to switch to a vegetarian diet.

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      Slowly eliminate meat from meals you already enjoy. Continue eating spaghetti, but leave out the meat. Have rice and vegetables without the chicken or steak. Eat your favorite foods without meat before branching off into meals you've never tried. This will help you wean yourself without feeling deprived.

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      Experiment with different foods to find out what you like. Visit your local supermarket or health food store and browse for meatless items that look interesting. Don't stock up on many new types of foods at once. Purchase one or two new things each time you go. Try it and determine whether you want to buy it again. Purchase a vegetarian cookbook and try some of the meals from it.

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      Don't expect to be successful overnight. It takes time to successfully eliminate meat from your diet. Take it slow and don't be hard on yourself if you have a relapse. Eliminate meat only once a week, initially. Continue adding a day until you are confident that you have mastered the craving for meat.

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