Is White Wine Vinegar Vegan?
Vegan is a type of eating that eliminates animal products. Vegans stay away from all food that comes from animals, such as meat, eggs or dairy. They also steer clear of foods that may surprise you. Many common dishes contain beef or chicken stock, which is hard to pick out for someone who is not familiar with the difference between products that contain small elements of animal product versus those that do not.
White Wine Vinegar
Many white wine vinegars are made from cane sugar. Cane sugar seems like it would be vegan, but animal bone char, usually bone char from cows, is used to give sugar its white color. Read the ingredients on your next bottle of white wine vinegar. Instead of cane sugar, look for beet sugar. Beet sugar will still give the vinegar its flavor without compromising your diet. However, be aware that beets, as with other produce, are sometimes genetically altered, which can also compromise strict diets for those who like to steer clear of genetically-altered foods.
Ingredient List
When in doubt, call the company who made the white wine vinegar. Not all products come with nutrition facts or ingredient lists. Products that are made by small or local companies may stick to simple labeling, which may eliminate the need for an ingredient list. You may also want to ask for what brand of sugar they use in their vinegar. Not all people are familiar with the term vegan or what it stands for so be prepared to do some research on your own.
Look in health food stores or food co-operatives for vegan white wine vinegar. These places are more likely to have vegan white wine vinegar than your traditional grocery stores. Also check at your local farmers markets, as some health food products are sold in these locations. Try searching online, as there are many vegan grocery outlets that can be found on the Internet. Two are listed in the Resources section.