Wellness & Lifestyle Topics
Emotional Health
Your emotional health is a key component of your overall health and well-being. How you feel emotionally and how you handle situations emotionally can have a serious effect on how well you succeed in business and in your personal life. The happier you are with your life, the better able you are focus on and attain the resources you need to achieve your goals. Your positive outlook on life also attracts others to you. Exercising, eating right and looking for the good in hard situations can help you maintain a positive emotional state.
Social Health
Your social health is about your relationship with people, both casually and intimately. Your safety, living situation and dependence upon others helps to define your social health. Helping others and your willingness to accept others for who they are also strengthens your social health. Your intimate relationship with your significant other directly affects your sexual health. When you are sexually active, you safeguard your health by protecting yourself from sexually transmitted disease.
Intellectual Health
Your intellectual health isn't just about how much you know. It's also about your ability to be creative and make common sense decisions. How you handle change and adapt to situations and new environments reflects your intellectual health. The type of interactions you have with the people and the environment around you help to develop your intellectual health, as does reading, research and a variety of games that encourage your brain to work.
Physical Health
Physical health is the aspect of health that most people identify first. Infection and disease are only part of what makes up your physical well-being. Physical limitations and injury also affect your physical health. Anything associated with the way your body functions contributes to your overall physical health. Your diet and the amount of exercise you get each day has an impact on your day-to-day functioning as well as how your body handles disease, infection and injury.