Proven Ways to Stop Eating Fast Food
Set Goals
A sure way to eliminate fast food cravings is to set healthy goals for yourself. It can be anything from training for a marathon to trying to fit into your favorite swimsuit in time for summer. Once you have created a goal, write it down on a piece of paper and post it in a place where it will be visible each day. This will serve as a visual reminder for the reason why you are avoiding fast food and will offer a good source of motivation.
Eat Breakfast
Eating healthy starts with the first meal of the day. A balanced breakfast is a good way to start the day off because it helps reduce cravings for sugary and fatty foods. Breakfast foods high in protein that contain healthy fats work with your body to satisfy your hunger so you will be less likely to indulge in junk food or fast food later in the day. Skipping breakfast is never a good option. It will increase your hunger and cause you to consume more food than normal throughout the day.
Track Eating Habits
Sometimes, the best way to break out of the habit of eating fast food is to keep track of what you eat from day to day. Keep a daily food journal to serve as a record of your eating habits. Whenever you order a taco or burger from the drive-thru, write it down. This will help you get an accurate idea of what you eat each day and which fast foods you are most prone to eating. Once you identify the problem foods, work to replace them with healthier snacks or meals.
No Emotional Eating
Emotions can cast a major influence on actions. Eating is no exception. Food can become an outlet for all sorts of emotions. People eat to celebrate, or they can drown their sorrows in a snack. Stress can lead someone to chow down on favorite foods. When you indulge in fast food, ask yourself why you are doing it. Find alternate ways to express your emotions if the eating is connected to feelings, whether it be sadness, anger, stress, boredom or happiness. Go running or swimming; read a book; play basketball with friends--just find an activity that takes you away from eating.