What Not to Eat When Having a Cold
Stay away from alcohol. Though it can be a relaxant, alcohol adds harmful toxins to your body. Additionally, alcohol compromises the quality of sleep that you get each night. When you consume alcohol, especially in excess, your body is lulled to sleep by the effects of the alcohol. Once the alcohol wears off you are prone to awakening, which interrupts your sleep cycle. Excessive alcohol also can cause you to pass out, in which you don't go through the normal sleep cycle phases. Sleep cycle phases are necessary when it comes to adequate sleep. When you are sick, sleep is the No. 1 priority because it helps your body obtain optimal rest.
Fast Food
Though it's easy, and cooking seems like the last thing you want to do when you are sick, avoid fast food at all cost. Most fast food is loaded with excess fat calories and complex carbohydrates. These calories won't burn off as you rest, which will cause you to gain weight. Additionally, the food will provide your body with little nutritional value. When you are sick, you need to consume foods that are high in antioxidants to help rebuild your cells.
Avoid caffeine, which can be found in coffee and soda. Caffeine will keep you awake. Many sodas are loaded with sugar, which can cause a spike in glucose. This will make you feel energized for a short period of time and then you will suffer a "crash" and feel worse. Instead, stick to decaffeinated green tea. Green tea helps to boost the immune system without overloading your body with sugar. When you stick to decaf, you get the benefits of the green tea without the artificial energy spike.
Sugar and Salt
Steer clear of overly salty or sweet foods when you have a cold. Instead, load your body up with fresh fruits and vegetables. Sweet and salty foods will leave you with excess water weight and no energy. Boost the immune system with fruit smoothies, yogurt, mixed vegetables and lean meat such as chicken.