How to Eat Food Slowly to Digest
Make meal times a top priority. It is possible you think of eating as something you will do when, and if, you manage to fit it in. Make a rule that you will stop whatever you are doing at a prearranged time to eat, and stick to it. If your schedule does not allow time for you to prepare your own food and eat it, visit a healthy salad bar or a purchase an already prepared meal you can eat at home. Turn your cell phone off and sit in a place where you will not be disturbed while you eat.
Put your food on a plate. If you have purchased food from a takeout, remove it from the containers and place it on a plate. In her book "The Beck Diet Solution," Dr. Judith Beck says the most important advice she can give for healthy eating habits is to sit down to eat, with the food on a proper plate. Dr. Beck additionally states that when eating, all distractions, such as the television, books, or the computer should be put away or turned off.
Put your fork down. After placing the first bite in you mouth, lay your utensils on the table and concentrate on chewing your food well, and savoring the taste. Counting how many times each mouthful is chewed may spoil your enjoyment of the meal. If that's the case, just be sure each mouthful is chewed well before you swallow it. If you are interested in counting how many times you chew, attempt to chew each mouthful at least 30 times, according to the West Chester University Stress Reduction Center.
Pause between mouthfuls. Eating is a pleasure that should be enjoyed, rather than a competition to see how fast you can finish. Sit for a few moments after finishing each mouthful before picking your utensils up to continue your meal.