Foods & Products to Stimulate the Appetite
Stress Free Mealtime
Make meal time an enjoyable and relaxing event. Avoid all stress at mealtime to stimulate that appetite. A caregiver can set an appealing table, play soft music and use candles to make at least one meal a day special. Friends and family who are contentious or argumentative should be kept away or promise to change their demeanor during meal times. Family and friends that are positive should be invited to mealtime as much as possible. Additionally, have mealtimes at a set time everyday, because the brain and body get used to the routine and will send hunger pangs that mean it is time to eat.
Use aromatherapy to stimulate appetite. There are many different appealing aromas and one may appeal to someone's appetite more than another. Through experimentation, you can find an aromatherapy that boosts appetite. The aroma of peppermint and ginger can help reduce loss of appetite due to nausea. Orange, lemon and lime help to energize the body and mind and may create a sense of hunger. Avoid the aroma of grapefruit because it is known to reduce appetite. Bergamot oil eases depression and may increase appetite. You can buy aromatherapy oils at health food stores. Aromatherapy should be used 30 minutes prior to mealtime. Avoid cooking food that creates smells that decrease appetite or cause nausea.
Snack Food
Semi-healthy snack foods are a good choice when someone refuses to eat. Snack foods are appealing and stimulate the appetite because they both look and smell delicious to most people. In addition, most snack foods require little to no preparation, which can be important when someone is too weak or unmotivated to make a meal. Examples of foods that are considered snack food, but still have some nutritional value, include ice cream, muffins, canned fruit in heavy syrup, chocolate milk, milkshakes, protein drinks, chocolate-covered raisins or nuts, and peanut butter crackers.
Engage in light to moderate exercise each day to improve appetite. Regular activity can make you feel hungry and stimulate the appetite. Get a doctors approval before beginning a new exercise routine.
Cold Foods
Foods served cold may stimulate the appetite for some people. Heavy, hot foods decrease the appetite when someone is sick. Foods such as sandwiches, salads, jello, fresh fruit and vegetables, pudding, yogurt, nuts, crackers and cottage cheese are easy to eat and appealing. Eat small amounts of these foods through out the day to increase appetite and nutrition.
Digestive Enzymes
Digestive enzymes aid in digestion and decrease nausea, which is important for appetite. You can take digestive enzymes as a supplement or find them included in some yogurt products.
Keep It Simple
Keeping eating simple is very important to someone who does not want to eat. Keep vegetables on hand that are pre-washed, cut and packaged to eat whenever you are hungry. Protein drinks and bars are also easy to eat at a moments notice. Frozen or canned foods that can be microwaved are also good to have on hand.
Comfort Foods
Comfort foods stimulate appetite in some people. Food that has good childhood memories is also appealing. Comfort foods are usually high in fat because they are made with a cream sauce or fried such as macaroni and cheese and fried chicken. There are ways to make comfort foods more nutritious, so be creative.