Are Hazelnuts Good for You?
Hazelnuts are full of vitamin E, the benefits of which are abundant. In addition to the formation of good hair and skin, vitamin E positively affects the cardiac and reproductive systems. An effective antioxidant, this vitamin is believed to attack cancerous cells. Hazelnuts also provide several of the B vitamins, including B1, B2 and B6, that contribute to blood and mental development.
Hazelnuts are a good source of magnesium, which the circulatory and nervous systems rely on. This nutrient also helps prevent diabetes, improves bone strength and fortifies the immune system. Proteins and folic acid, important for red blood cell production and prenatal development, are also present in beneficial amounts.
Not only do hazelnuts contain no cholesterol, but they also have a substance that helps improve your existing cholesterol profile. Phytosterol prevents the body from absorbing bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol, thwarting the formation of plaque in your blood vessels. Another antioxidant, phytosterol stops the transformation of cells that leads to cancer.
Hazelnuts feature beneficial unsaturated fats and fatty acids. Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid shown to have many positive mental and physical health effects, including reduced blood pressure and decreased risk of stroke and heart attack. Oleic acid consumed regularly has been shown to noticeably improve memory and is another cancer-fighting agent. Alpha-linolenic acid, also plentiful in hazelnuts, is converted once consumed into two omega-3 fatty acids known to aid many bodily systems. Lower blood pressure, less vulnerability to depression and allergy relief are just a few of the benefits.
An ounce of hazelnuts a day is a good portion, with roughly 176 calories and 17 grams of fat. Although high in calories like most nuts, hazelnuts can help curb your appetite and thus assist in weight loss. Consuming a half-ounce an hour or two prior to eating a meal will reduce your appetite and help avoid overeating.