Vegetables That Flush Out Excess Water
Asparagus is a healthy vegetable that contains fiber, potassium and vitamin B6. It is low in sodium and has a low caloric value as well as diuretic properties that help to expel excess water in very strong smelling urine. Asparagus can be steamed, fried, boiled or grilled and is a good addition to salads and served as a side dish.
The crunchy texture and distinct flavor of celery make it a popular choice as a part of a weight loss diet. Dieters often eat the vegetable raw as a snack. Celery contains a high amount of potassium which regulates fluid balance and helps to flush out excess water. Celery also contains a high amount of vitamin C and water. Celery is eaten raw in salads and cooked in soups and stews.
Both fennel seed and fennel bulbs are used to flush out excess water and help ease bloating and intestinal problems. The vegetable is useful in treating symptoms of PMS, constipation and flatulence. Fennel bulbs contain vitamin C, fiber, potassium and iron. Fennel bulb is prepared as a raw snack with olive oil and pepper or can be cooked or baked with onion or tomato. It can also be added to soups and stews.
Cucumbers are a low caloric vegetable that are often including in weight loss diets. The vegetable is high in vitamin C and the skin contains a high amount of fiber. Cucumbers also contain a lot of water which helps to eliminate excess water. Cucumbers have a number of other healthy benefits for the skin and hair and cucumber slices are often used to reduce puffiness in the eyes.