How to Store Fresh Pears

Enjoy juicy delicious pears by storing and ripening them at home. Start with fresh unblemished pears picked from the tree or purchased from the grocery store while they are still hard and green. Pears ripen when they are off the tree; they must be stored at the correct temperature and given enough time to ripen properly. Once ripened, the taste and texture is extended by storing them under the right conditions. Pears are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C and potassium. They are delicious and do not contain sodium, saturated fat or cholesterol.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Plastic bag
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      Use a pencil to punch approximately 20 holes in a medium-sized plastic bag. When fruit is stored in a perforated plastic bag it does not lose moisture as quickly.

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      Place fresh unwashed pears in the plastic bag. Set the bag on the counter or tabletop out of the direct rays of the sun. The pears should rest at room temperature between 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit without becoming too warm. The fruit will soften, turn color and become sweet as it ripens.

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      Store the pears, once they have ripened and turned yellow, in the same perforated plastic bag. Place the bag into the produce drawer of the refrigerator and keep them at full flavor and texture for 1 to 3 days. Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.

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