How Can I Wean Myself Off of Sweets?

For some, the cravings for sweets such as candy and baked goods are due to a childhood where sweets were offered as a form of reward or as a means of making the child feel better. Alternatively, a diet that lacks flavor or variety may cause you to crave the richness of sugary foods. However, no matter the cause at the root of your cravings the possible effects are the same. Eating too many sweets can cause weight gain as well as hypoglycemia and diabetes. Accordingly, if you currently suffer from an insatiable sweet tooth it is time to take the steps to curb your cravings.


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      Set goals to slowly decrease the number of sweets you eat rather than vowing to immediately stop eating them. Slowly decrease the amount of sweets you eat each day. Continue until you are eating no more than one sweet per day.

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      Keep a journal and write down thoughts, emotions and the circumstances that precede you wanting a sweet. Review your journal daily to determine what triggers your desire for sweets.

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      Call a friend or loved one if you find you crave sweets when lonely. Find an activity to keep you occupied such as taking a walk if you crave sweets when bored.

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      Add variety into your diet in order to satisfy your need for different foods. Eat foods that vary in taste, texture, color and temperature.

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      Eat a small meal or snack every three to five hours to avoid hunger which can lead to sugar cravings. Incorporate foods that are rich in protein and fiber into your diet as these encourage fullness.

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      Indulge in foods with natural sugars such as fruit. Keep healthy snacks like fresh fruit and nuts on hand. Eat these when you feel hungry but cannot immediately eat a meal or if you are craving something sweet.

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      Think about what you are doing before giving into a sweet craving. Think about what you wish to accomplish and whether eating the sweet is really worth it in light of your goals.

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      Purchase small servings when you cannot resist your temptation to eat sweets in order to avoid over indulgence. Purchase single servings if possible; otherwise, purchase a regular portion, eat a small bit and give or throw the rest away.

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