Which Vegetables Are Nightshades?
Potatoes are a nightshade (Solanum tuberosum). Avoid eating potatoes that are sprouting or have green spots. This is a result of high alkaloid levels. Even though the green color is chlorophyll and helpful to our health, increased alkaloids can have a negative impact on the digestive system, the nervous system and an individual's joint health. As a regular part of biochemical activity, plants produce alkaloids. Nightshade plants produce four basic types of alkaloids: steroid alkaloids, tropane alkaloids, pyrrolizidine alkaloids and indole alkaloids. Steroid alkaloids can have a negative effect on the nervous system and joint health. Steaming, boiling and baking food can reduce alkaloids by as much as 50 %.
Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) come in a variety. Depending on the species of tomato, the plants grow between three and 10 feet tall. Tomato stems are weak and usually need help staying up or the plants drag on the ground. Botanically, the tomato is a fruit, but for culinary purposes, it's considered a vegetable. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, making them extremely healthy to eat.
Many types of hot and sweet peppers fall into the nightshade family. Bell peppers and hot peppers are good examples of nightshades. Holistic practitioners often recommend that individuals who suffer from arthritis and joint pain avoid making nightshades a part of their diet. Holistic practitioners recommend nightshades tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes and eggplant.
Pimentos are usually made from the pepper plant Capsicum annum. Examples of foods that contain nightshade components are Spanish olives (pimento-stuffed) and pimento cheese. Pimentos are also sometimes called cherry peppers. Pimentos don't grow more than four inches in length and are usually sliced and eaten raw. They are rich in vitamins A and C.