How to Stop Being Obsessed With Food

Millions of people across the world obsess about calorie content, fat content and weight gain. They obsess about every bit of food that goes into their mouth and worry if particular foods will make them put on weight. However, this is not healthy and can result in the development of eating disorders, a common problem across the United States. According to Mirasol Eating Disorder Treatment Center, the South Carolina Department of Mental Health estimates that 8 million Americans (7 million women and 1 million men) have an eating disorder. This is why you need to stop obsessing over food and learn to be happy eating a healthy, balanced diet.


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      Admit to yourself that you have a problem. Like with other addictions and obsessions, the first step to getting better is admitting to yourself that there is something wrong. Many food addicts deny they have a problem for far too long and do not want to believe they have an eating disorder.

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      Talk to a trained doctor or therapist about your problem. Your local doctor will be more than happy to refer you to one. Remember to be open and honest so that the doctor or therapist can get to the root of the problem and help you stop obsessing over food.

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      Consider joining a 12-step program. These support groups are called Food Addicts Anonymous and are located in all 50 states. Food Addicts Anonymous helps people trying to cope with food addictions and obsessions. It is a place you can go to anonymously and talk to others suffering from the same issues.

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      Try to eat healthy most of the time. According to Medicine Net, you should try never use the word "diet" again. Not only does it make you think about food constantly, but it makes you see certain foods as the "enemy." You need to learn to enjoy food and not view it constantly as "bad" or "good." Eat healthy for the majority of the time, but allow yourself to splurge on unhealthier foods occasionally.

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      Change the reasons you eat food to stop obsessing. Stop thinking about how much fat is in each item and focus on eating to nourish your body. According to the website Smart Diets, you should try to consider the healthy benefits first and foremost. When you eat solely to nourish your body, you will begin to improve yourself on the inside, and the improvements on the outside will naturally follow.

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