The Best Foods for a 26 Year Old Woman
Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D
Your 20s is the last decade in which you can build up bone mass in order to guard against the gradual loss of bone density that begins from your 30s. Women have a higher risk of osteoporosis than men and therefore need to eat foods that help to build strong, healthy bones. Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are vital for bone health. Sources include salmon, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, cabbage, broccoli, garlic, green beans, tofu, shrimp and vitamin D-fortified milk and eggs.
Iron and Protein
Women in their mid-20s often lack iron in their diets. Iron is important because it is lost during menstruation. Eat iron-rich foods such as red meat, lentils, dark poultry, spinach, almonds and iron-fortified cereals. Along with iron, women should also boost their intake of lean protein to sustain energy and muscle mass. Good sources are skinless white meat, fish, lean steak, beans, tofu and eggs. However, moderation is key. Eating too much protein may be counterproductive to women as it may contribute to calcium loss which over time can lead to decreased bone density.
Plants and Whole Grains
For fiber, vitamins and minerals, substitute refined and processed carbohydrates for whole-grain, complex carbohydrates which make you feel fuller for longer. Swap white bread and pasta for whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta and rice. Fill up on fruit, leafy green vegetables, oats, bananas, legumes and beans. These foods also boost serotonin levels, the "feel-good" chemicals in your brain -- good news, as women are susceptible to depression in their 20s.
Good Fats
Women in their mid-20s need essential fats to support the body. Omega-3 fats not only help to promote serotonin levels, they boost brain power and support pregnancy and the development of the baby. Essential fats aid the body in absorbing vital vitamins and they promote beauty by nourishing the hair, skin, eyes and nails. Healthy fats include olive oil, avocados, nuts, fish, seeds and sea food.
To limit the symptoms of PMS, increase sources of essential fatty acids and take a vitamin supplement with vitamin B6, vitamin E and magnesium which may relieve cramps. Limit sugar which worsens mood swings and salt which contributes to water retention and bloating. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol which also worsens symptoms, as well as red meat and egg yokes, which can cause inflammation. Eat soy, nuts, legumes and vegetable proteins which may relieve symptoms.
Diet can make it easier for women in their mid-20s to become pregnant and support the development of their babies. Eat lean protein and healthy fats to support the development of your baby. Avoid alcohol completely and be cautious of foods which may be harmful to yourself or your baby during pregnancy. These include soft cheeses, deli meats, sushi, and fish such as tuna which contains high levels of mercury. While breastfeeding, ensure you maintain a healthy diet and nourish your body with a little extra protein and calcium. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.