Foods That Calm Fear
Dairy products have been proven to reduce anxiety and stress levels in the body due to their calcium content. Yogurt contains probiotics that assist with digestion, which can sometimes be affected by elevated stress levels. Psychologically, warm milk is associated with comfort from childhood, so have a glass when anticipating stressful situations.
Nuts and Fruit
Opting for natural foods or unprocessed foods is always best when trying to correct something in the body. Bananas contain B6, which is needed to create serotonin, or the "happy hormone" in our body that helps us maintain a feeling of well-being. Raw cashews are high in magnesium, which has been linked to helping cure depression. Consuming the recommended amount of fruits and nuts daily can help reduce the production of stress hormones.
Complex Carbohydrates
Mashed potatoes require almost no effort to eat, making them the perfect dish to consume when stressed. Complex carbohydrates take longer for the body to digest and give it the energy it needs. This can result in an elevated mood. For example, mashed potatoes are great to eat because they are a complex carbohydrate and traditionally known for being a comfort food. Not only are complex carbs great for relieving anxieties and stress, but they also help to maintain a healthy weight. Some other examples of complex carbs are whole wheat pasta, oats and bran.
Simple sugars should be avoided when trying to eat to calm fear and anxiety, however there are plenty of sweet alternatives. Dark chocolate is a great choice because it is rich in tryptophan, which is a precursor of serotonin. It also has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol -- the bad cholesterol -- by up to 10 percent, so try to eat at least 3.5 oz. daily. Vanilla bean has also been linked to relieving stress because of its sweet scent.
Teas are commonly associated with stress relief and are recommended as a home remedy to calm fear. Chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system and ginger and peppermint have both been proven to help with nausea. Dandelion has been shown to release stress and promote relaxation. Finally, valerian root, which is sometimes brewed in teas, reduces fear, anxiety and hysteria.