What Are Some Different Types of Carbs?
Sugar is the most common type of carb because it is found in processed food like candy, cake and soda, as well as natural foods like milk and fruit. Foods with natural sugars are better than foods with added sugars. Sugar consists of small molecules that are easily digested and provide the body with immediate energy; for this reason it is called a simple carbohydrate
Starch is a complex carbohydrate which includes pasta, bread, rice and potatoes, as well as some vegetables like corn, peas, beans and potatoes. Starch can't be used by the body until it is broken down by digestion and turned into glucose.
Dietary Fiber
Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grain foods. It is considered the most beneficial type of carb because it is slowly absorbed into the body, which helps maintain even blood sugar levels. Diets high in fiber offer protection against heart disease and colon cancer. Fiber also helps to control weight because you feel fuller and are unlikely to overeat.
Simple Carbohydrates vs. Complex Carbohydrates
A carbohydrate is categorized as either simple or complex based on how quickly it is absorbed and digested into the body, as well as the chemical structure of the food. Simple carbohydrates have one or two sugars while complex carbohydrates have three or more. Both are necessary to promote health in the body, though sugar should be limited to natural sugars. Added sugars increase caloric intake but do not add nutrients. Medline Plus recommends that people obtain 40 to 60 percent of their carbohydrates from complex carbohydrates and natural sugars.