Reasons Not to Eat Raw Meat
The most common cause of food-borne illness from raw meats is bacteria of the genus Campylobacter. The symptoms can include fever, headaches, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Bloody diarrhea is a more serious side effect. When it passes to the bloodstream more serious complications, and even death, can occur. The symptoms will appear two to five days after consuming the raw or undercooked meat. Illness can last seven to 10 days. Even though the bacteria can be transmitted through raw or undercooked beef or shellfish, the most common source of contamination is poultry.
There are more than 2,300 types of bacteria in the genus Salmonella, which is present in meat and poultry. The bacteria cause salmonellosis, which can result in abdominal cramping, headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. When the infection invades the bloodstream, it causes more serious, and possibly life-threatening, infections. Symptoms from the bacteria occur between eight and 72 hours after the infected food is consumed. The infection may last four to seven days.
Escherichia Coli
Escherichia coli, or E. coli, is a harmful pathogen found in raw beef. The bacteria cause vomiting, painful cramps and diarrhea, which is bloody in its most severe form. A fever is rarely present. Symptoms show up between one and eight days after the infected food is eaten. The illness lasts between five and 10 days. Patients can develop acute kidney failure, and the bacteria may cause death. A doctor should be contacted immediately when severe symptoms are exhibited.
Roundworms can be transferred to people from raw or undercooked meat. Common roundworms are Anisaxis simplex, found in saltwater fish, and Trichinella spiralis, found in pork. Tapeworms are other common parasites, which are commonly passed along through raw or undercooked fish, beef and pork. Symptoms for parasites range from headaches, vomiting, nausea, muscle pains and fever. Parasites can be treated by a doctor.