How to Stop Craving Soda
Substitute diet soda for regular soda, rather than attempting to stop soda cravings "cold turkey." Since diet soda has a different taste than regular soda, this helps replace and eliminate the craving for the sweetness found in regular soda.
Place yourself on a "soda budget." Allow yourself to spend only so much on soda, and allow yourself to drink only so many soda beverages per week or per day. For example, have one soda per day. This lets you wean off of such drinks without immediately giving them up.
Replace soda with other caffeinated beverages, as needed. The WebMD website recommends drinking low-sugar tea or coffee drinks instead of soda.
Drink other carbonated beverages instead of soda. Beverages such as flavored seltzer water prevents you from missing the fizziness that's found in soda.
Stop keeping soda in the home. You cannot drink what isn't in front of you, and the "out of sight" method helps keep your mind off of soda.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Keeping yourself thoroughly hydrated prevents feelings of thirst, which keeps you from wanting anything to drink.