How to Cure Gluttony
Avoid skipping breakfast. Even if you value that last 15 minutes of precious sleep and want to get out the door as fast as you can, you should take the time out to eat breakfast every morning. If you skip out on the first meal of the day, you will probably become famished and overeat later on. Although skipping breakfast may sound like you are skipping out on calorie consumption, it actually achieves the opposite effect.
Keep distractions at bay. Mindless activities lead to mindless eating, and before you know it, you have reached for your third helping of hearty macaroni and cheese. Although it may feel relaxing to eat dinner while staring at the television like a zombie, the distraction may trigger you to engage in rather gluttonous behaviors. When eating, concentrate only on your meal and on conversation with others.
Eat a lot of fiber. Fiber is one of the essential components to a well-balanced, healthy and nutritious diet. Some examples of fiber-rich foods include whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits. Fiber can prevent you from overeating because it makes the body feel full for an extended period of time compared with many other foods. The more satisfied and full you feel after a meal, the less likely you will be to reach for that bag of potato chips less than two hours after dinner.
Manage your portion sizes. When you're starving, it can seem appealing to pile the food on your plate. However, many people have the tendency to eat more than they actually need. Several easy tricks can help you to handle your meal portions. For example, use bowls and plates that are smaller and leave empty spaces on them. Just because your plate is wide doesn't mean that you have to use every centimeter of it. Try to offer yourself portions that do not surpass your fist size. Small meal portions can sometimes be unsatisfying, so to fill yourself up, eat lean proteins (think chicken breasts, seafood, legumes and turkey).
Be careful with snacking. With snacking, the temptation to eat an entire bag of something can be oh so overwhelming. For instance, if you have a bag of pretzels, you may mindlessly find that you have devoured the entire bag. To avoid this scenario, always make a point to take snacks out of their original packaging. Place your desired amount into a bowl so you don't go overboard and eat everything.
Abstain from eating too quickly. Eating food too fast can make you overeat before your body is aware that it is satisfied. Eat slowly and deliberately, focusing on the flavors of your food instead of trying to inhale everything down quickly. For optimal results and fullness, take a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes to eat meals. Any faster and you may find that you end up eating more than your body truly needs.