The Best Milk Substitutes
Soy Milk
The original milk alternative, soy milk is very popular. Because soy is high in protein, soy milk is a good choice for vegetarian and vegan recipes. Thanks to its thick texture, it is a tasty substitute for creamers. Close to 90 percent of the soybeans in the United States are genetically modified, so buy organic soy milk if you wish to avoid genetically modified food.
Rice Milk
Rice milk has a slightly sweet taste, which makes it great for dessert recipes and cereals. Made from brown rice, the sweetness comes from the grain rather than added sugars, which makes it a healthy option. Almost watery, the texture of rice milk is thinner than most other substitutes on the market so it isn't the best choice for cooking certain dishes.
Coconut Milk Beverage
This is the creamiest of milk alternatives, good for creating thick pasta sauces, rice dishes and smoothies. The coconut taste is not a heavy one, so coconut milk beverage works well as a creamer and in recipes that call for regular milk. Coconut milk beverage is also a good source of healthy fats. Don't confuse coconut milk beverage with canned coconut milk -- they are two different things. You'll find the milk substitute with all the others in your local market.
Nut Milk
You can create your own nut milks at home by blending a cup of your favorite nuts like almonds, cashews, or macadamias with two cups of water and then straining the nuts through a cheesecloth while catching the milk into a container. You can also buy almond and hazelnut milk at your local grocery store. Most nut milks offer a good amount healthy fats.
Hemp Milk
Hemp milk is one of the most nutritious milk substitutes available. The milk is abundant in important omega 3 fats, and contains all 10 essential amino acids. It is thick, creamy, and easy to use in recipes and shakes. It is a great option for those with soy and nut allergies.