How to Put Up Fresh Vegetables
Buy high-quality fresh vegetables. When purchasing your vegetables, look for signs of damage such as bruises. When vegetables are damaged during or after harvesting, they are more likely to spoil quicker.
Keep the area where you will put up your fresh vegetables dry, cool and without any type of pests. Inspect your vegetables regularly for any signs of rotting, as this can easily spread to other vegetables. Immediately remove the ones that show signs of spoilage.
Put fresh vegetables in a perforated plastic bag, and into the refrigerator's produce drawer. You can make your own perforated bags by punching holes with a sharp object, making them about 1 inch apart.
Turn your refrigerator to a low temperature when storing fresh vegetables. This will prevent water loss, which usually result in wilted vegetables. The required temperature may vary, depending on the type of vegetable. For example, the recommended temperature to store lettuce and spinach is 32 to 41 degrees, while cucumbers and bell peppers requires 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit.