Uses of Kefir Whey
In addition to culturing milk, kefir whey can also be used as a starter for sourdough bread and other types of baked goods. By replacing some of the water in the mixture with kefir whey liquid, the natural leavening effect will cause dough to rise. The general rule of thumb is to add 1 cup of kefir whey to each 1 lb. of flour in any bread recipe. Place the dough in a warm area for four to eight hours to give the dough enough time to rise before baking.
Soothing Sunburn Lotion
Kefir whey can form the basis for a homemade lotion to soothe sunburn. Blend one part kefir whey with one part fresh aloe vera gel in a food processor or blender. For every 100 ml of this mixture, add 1 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil, sesame seed oil or coconut oil and blend for 30 seconds. After straining the mixture through a cheesecloth of fine strainer, the lotion is ready to use. If stored in a sealed container and refrigerated, this lotion should last for up to two months.
Treating Psoriasis
Kefir whey can also be used to control psoriasis, a skin condition that causes skin to dry and flake. Simply soak the affected area in kefir whey for 20 minutes and rinse. Kefir whey is particularly effective when treating psoriasis of the scalp. After washing your hair, rinse the area with pure kefir whey and leave it in for about 20 minutes. Rinse with clear water. If the kefir whey smell remains, wash once more with a gentle shampoo to remove any remaining odor.
For gardeners, adding kefir whey to a compost heap will will speed up the decomposition process while adding nutrients to the resulting compost. For the best results, kefir whey should be diluted with garden lime and water, which increases the kefir whey's pH balance. This same kefir whey mixture can also prove beneficial for gardens, shrubs and trees that have been mulched, simply by pouring the liquid directly on the mulch, thinly and evenly. A note of caution, however: kefir whey shouldn't be poured near the plant's roots.