Easy & Enjoyable Diets
6 Meals a Day
By eating six small meals a day instead of three large meals, you can keep your metabolic rate high. This can help you burn fat quicker, as your body recognizes it has no need to store the excess energy, because it knows the next meal is coming soon. Your body also digests small portions of food much more easily than larger ones. Once you establish a regular eating pattern, maintain it. Skipping meals while on a six-meals-a-day diet can wreak havoc on your metabolism and you could gain weight. At 6mealsaday.com you learn more about this diet, portion sizes and nutrition. This can be an enjoyable experience because you can not only eat some of your favorite foods, you can sometimes eat more than you already do.
The Detox
Easy and enjoyable may not be words that spring to mind when you think of a detox diet. But it is all in the way you approach the detox. If you get together with a partner or friend and accept the challenge together, you can turn it into a fun and enjoyable bonding experience. A detox doesn't have to go on for weeks or even days. It is a great way to kick-start a healthy eating plan or recover after some excessive eating or drinking.
4 Hour Body
This diet was designed by bestseller author of the "4 Hour Work Week," Tim Ferriss. If you follow the eating plan as he suggests, you can have red wine during the week and a "day off" as well. On this day off, he suggests you "go nuts" and enjoy foods you've missed all week. Tim claims that increasing your calorie intake dramatically just once a week can stop your metabolism from slowing down too much, which is what can happen on a long-term calorie-reduced diet. Getting through the week is obviously made easier by the glass of wine at the end of the day and the "celebration" on your day off.
Acai Berry Diet
The acai berry has a long history of use in Brazil. It is high in antioxidants -- higher than blueberries or red wine. They are said to improve digestion, cleanse and detoxify the body, reduce insomnia and increase your metabolism. All can be contributing factors to weight loss. Rather than a specific diet in itself, the acai berry should be simply used in addition to a healthy eating program as a supplement and support. The easy part is that you can simply take acai berry supplements; you don't have to buy or prepare specific meals or count calories. It is more likely to see results with a controlled and healthy diet with regular exercise, though.