How to Take Steps to Control Your Appetite
Appetite Suppressing Foods
Start your day eating protein such as egg whites, Canadian bacon, or yogurt to feel fuller for longer through the day. Protein takes longer for your body to absorb than other nutrients and helps keep hunger at bay.
Try boiled or baked potatoes to keep hunger at bay for longer. Potatoes are made of a particular starch resistant to digestive enzymes. They remain in the intestinal track for a while before they can be fully absorbed by the body. This will help to keep a lid on your appetite.
Eat fiber-rich foods such as apples and grapefruit. These fruits contain bulky fiber nutrients that fill you up and keep you from craving less healthy foods. Grapefruits also lower the body's level of insulin, a hormone that manages blood sugar levels. Sudden dips in blood sugar can trigger your appetite.
Fill up on leafy, green vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce, which are virtually calorie-free but packed with nutrients. An insatiable appetite often indicates your body's lack of essential vitamins and minerals. Filling up on nutritious foods will meet those needs.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to combat false hunger cravings. Many mistake dehydration for hunger and consume unnecessary calories. If water does not kill the food urge, have a cup of warm vegetable or chicken broth instead. Buy the organic kind to avoid unhealthy ingredients such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) or yeast extract.
Eating Habits and Mind Control
Stick to a regular, "sit down" meal schedule to condition your body to eat only at certain times during the day. Avoid snacking on the go or in the car. Eat in the kitchen or at a dining table whenever possible.
Tweak your portion sizes. Eat your meals from a smaller dish to create an illusion that you have consumed the full amount of a larger-sized plate. This will tell your body that it should be feeling full. But occasionally allow yourself a treat. Do so in moderation; excess will only trigger more extreme cravings later on.
Establish a personal marker for yourself that indicates the end of your meal. Rituals such as having a cup of tea or chewing gum after each meal can tell your mind that you are done eating and suppress the urge to snack beyond this point.