How to Break the Need for Sweets
Eat a well-balanced meal that includes lots of vegetables, fruits, and protein. This will help to curb cravings for sweets because a balanced meal provides the nutrients that your body needs.
Get rid of all the sweets in your house so that they won't tempt you. Throw them out or give them away to your neighbors, coworkers or family members.
Fast from sweets for at least four to seven days. Avoid refueling the craving during this time. This will starve your body of its need for sugar while normalizing your sugar tolerance. Start eating healthy sweets, such as fruits, gradually and in small amounts after the fast.
Engage in a constructive activity whenever you crave something sweet. Distract yourself long enough to give the craving a chance to go away. Exercise or eat a piece of fruit instead of giving into the urge for less healthy sweets.
Avoid foods that have sugar hidden in them such as teriyaki sauce or honey mustard. Many sauces contain hidden sugar and may cause your cravings to return.