How to Appease Your Appetite
Consume foods that are high in fiber. Fiber is filling and digests slowly so you feel full for a long time. Focus on foods such as vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole-grains such as quinoa, barley, oats and brown rice.
Avoid processed foods and simple carbohydrates, such as white rice and white bread, because these digest quickly so you are hungry faster. They give you a quick surge of energy, followed by a drop in blood sugar that leaves you feeling tired and fatigued.
Include lean protein in your diet because it takes a long time to digest and keeps your blood sugar level steady. Consume lean protein such as chicken without the skin, fish and turkey.
Eat five to six, half-portion meals daily instead of three large meals. Consume a meal every two to three hours. Eating more often satisfies your appetite throughout the entire day because you provide your body with constant nutrition. Also, your blood sugar stays stable. Divide your three large meals in half to get six smaller meals.
Slow down when eating because it takes approximately 20 minutes before digestive hormones signal to your brain that you are full. Eating slowly also allows you to enjoy your food more. Take small bites, and chew thoroughly and slowly.
Drink a glass of water before eating to satisfy your appetite. Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger. A glass of water can satisfy your urge to eat.