How to Get Out of a Contract With Jenny Craig
Trying to follow a new diet plan that involves completely changing your diet is an extremely important lifestyle change that should be carefully considered before entering into any sort of legal contract with a diet company. While for some, diet plans like Jenny Craig work, they don't always agree with others lifestyle, diet and health goals. Most often, one important part of signing on with a diet programs/company is entering into a contract with the company to pay cash in exchange for food or services offered. If you've entered into a contract with a company, like Jenny Craig, you can possibly exit the contract, however you most likely won't receive the full monetary investment back.Instructions
Review your contract for the "cancellation" and "termination" clauses. Via the Jenny Craig website, "You may terminate this Agreement at any time." You're not permanently bound to your contract, however exiting your contract might cost you part of your initial investment.
Review your Jenny Craig contract dates. The Jenny Craig contract has a three day refund clause. If you're within three days of your contract you can rightfully cancel your contract and receive a full refund. Otherwise, you might receive a partial refund depending on how far you are into your contract and the cost of food consumed.
Call Jenny Craig and talk to a representative about the cancellation and refund options available to you. You'll be prompted to send in a cancellation request via fax or mail.
Mail in a cancellation request letter. Per the Jenny Craig contract, " the customer will be refunded in 10 days upon receipt of their cancellation request."