Information About Jenny Craig
What is Jenny Craig?
Jenny Craig is a weight-loss program that relies on healthy yet smart food. They pride themselves in having the best non-conventional health-food.
The Food of Jenny Craig
The program consists of having three Jenny Cuisines, one snack and plenty of fruits and vegetables a day. The Cuisine's purpose is to eat in balance and moderation. This moderation is done through finding a balance between pre-packaged Jenny meals and your own personal groceries of low-fat dairy, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats.
(See Reference 1)
The Personal Consultant
One of the major perks of Jenny Craig is getting your own Personal Consultant. This individual will help you through the hard-times that you will face while changing your life. Think of your Personal Consultant as a teacher and a motivator. You will be able to meet with your Personal Consultant weekly to share weight-loss success and help you get motivated.
(See Reference 1)
Exercise is a major part of the program as well, because it is an important element of healthy living and weight management. Your Personal Consultant will help you develop a logical regime in order to develop an active lifestyle that you can maintain and most importantly enjoy.
YourStyle Profile
Another helpful tool that Jenny Craig provides is the YourStyle Profile. This profile helps to "identify your personal eating style, activity stage and weight-loss mindset." This allows Jenny Craig to customize the best weight-loss regime for you.