How to Lose Weight with a Homemade Jenny Craig or NutriSystem Diet
Decide how many calories you want to consume in a day. If you have a lot of weight to lose it's safe to assume that you can eat 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day and still lose weight. If you only have a little weight to lose you can aim for 1,200 calories a day. Once you decide on the total calories you need grab your purse... it's time to go shopping!
Buy some frozen dinners, fresh or canned fruit, canned soup, salad fixings, low calorie salad dressing, and some low fat milk. You can also buy a few low calorie frozen desserts for special treats. When you buy your frozen dinners and snacks check the container for the total calories. There are many options out there like Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones and Healthy Choice. These are good options because you will get a good size portion for very little calories. And the variety of meals are endless!
Keep track of how many calories you are buying so you can stick to your desired caloric total for each day. If you happen to buy some really low calorie frozen dinners you may be able to eat four per day. If you want to splurge on a higher calorie frozen dinner like fried chicken make sure you have two really low calorie dinners to eat that same day. Try to have some soup and a salad with each meal to help fill you up. Then eat your fruit and special desserts between meals so you can eat practically all day long!