How to Buy Jenny Craig Prepackaged Meals
Go to the website. You'll find the latest news about Jenny Craig and some real motivation tools, real life Jenny Craig clients and even a blog from Valerie Bertinelli.
Sign up for a "myJenny" account. It gives you access to many great online tools including an online menu planner and will customize your online experience.
Click on the myJenny "myhome" link. Here you get all your personalized options including where to find your closest Jenny Craig center.
Select a Jenny Craig meal plan. You can call one of the Jenny Craig centers nearest you or call their toll free number to sign up.
View the map of the location of your closest Jenny Craig center. Now you know how to get there and pick up the prepackaged meals for your plan.
Visit your local Jenny Craig center. You can pick up all the meals you need for the week and get the support you need to be successful while you're there.
Try ordering direct. Clicking the "JennyDirect" link brings you to a whole new way to do Jenny Craig. Meals are delivered right to your door and they have 24/7 support available. Call Jenny Craig's toll-free number, (800) 597-JENNY. It's as easy as that to get meals delivered to your door.