The Rosedale Diet
The Rosedale Diet is based on particular nutrient ratios. More specifically, Dr. Rosedale focuses on a meal plan that supposedly controls the leptin hormone. By following this diet, Rosedale states that dieters will be able to stop overeating and will be satisfied sooner. Due to this, dieters will lose weight. This is a very low-carbohydrate, low-protein and high-fat diet and is similar to Atkins and the South Beach Diet.
Guide to Leptin
Leptin is a hormone that regulates metabolism rates and appetite levels. This hormone was discovered in 1994. Leptin is released by fat cells and levels are generally proportional to an individual's body fat percentage. Leptin works by suppressing the appetite part of the brain. By controlling the leptin hormone, Dr. Rosedale believes that individuals can control their eating habits.
There is no counting of calories or carbohydrates when following the Rosedale Diet. Instead, individuals are told to eat slowly and to eat whenever they feel hungry. The Rosedale Diet begins with a three-week introductory phase where all starchy carbohydrates are eliminated. In addition to eliminating starchy carbohydrates and sugar foods, certain foods are restricted throughout the entire Rosedale diet. These foods include all dried fruits, grapes, bananas, pineapples, oranges, cantaloupes, yams, white potatoes, pumpkins and corn.
While the Rosedale Diet is a high fat diet, Dr. Rosedale does stress the consumption of good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Trans fats and saturated fats are to be avoided when on the Rosedale Diet.
Meal Plan and Exercise
When following the Rosedale Diet, individuals are recommended to eat 1 g of protein per 2 lbs. of lean body mass. Dr. Rosedale recommends eating breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner.
Additionally, Dr. Rosedale recommends completing 15 to 20 minutes of exercise daily. He recommends doing an activity that you enjoy. According to Dr. Rosedale, the best time to work out is after dinner to help your body burn off any excess sugar before you go to sleep.
Dr. Rosedale stresses the use of supplements when on the Rosedale Diet. He offers three guidelines when it comes to supplements. First, Dr. Rosedale recommends taking high-quality, high-dose products. He advises purchasing these from his own personal supplement line. Second, Dr. Rosedale recommends that your multivitamin does not contain iron because iron is stored in the body and can speed up the production of free radicals. Finally, always choose supplements that are in the form of capsules instead of tablets because capsules will properly break down and be absorbed instead of simply passing right through you.