How to use Ketone Strips as a Dieting Tool
Things You'll Need
- Low-carb diet plan
- Ketone strips (also called Ketostix)
Begin a low-carb, high-protein diet. The Atkins diet is the most common diet to use. You can pick up a copy of the diet book from your local bookstore or go to to read about which types of foods to avoid and how many calories you should consume each day.
After a day or two of following your new diet, you can test your urine for the presence of ketones. Pull one ketone strip out of its box and either (1) collect a sample of urine in a cup and then dip the strip into the cup, or (2) hold the strip directly in the stream of urine.
Wait 10 to 15 seconds and then compare the color of the dampened strip with the color scale provided with the box. The colors will range from light pink/beige to dark purple. The darkest color indicates the highest level of ketones in the urine. If the strip turned a dark purple, you are in a strong state of ketosis, and your body is burning fat, even when at rest.
It's up to you how often you want to test your urine. Once every other day is likely to be a good idea. The ketone strips will mainly serve as a guide or tool of inspiration for you. You know your low-carb diet is working if your urine contains ketones.