A Good Low-Carb Diet
Some low-carbohydrate diets (such as Atkins and Kimkins) do not ask you to do anything other than drastically reduce the carbohydrate grams you consume in a day. These diets go so far as to tell you that you can eat as much low-carbohydrate food as you want, even cheeseburgers, bacon, sausage and butter. Because the carbohydrate allowance on these diets is so low, you cannot balance these unhealthy foods with nutrient-dense, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. You may lose weight, but you'll likely end up in even worse health than you were before. This is because cheeseburgers, bacon and butter are all high in artery-clogging, cholesterol-raising saturated fats. High cholesterol and a high intake of saturated fat increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Low-Carbohydrate Solutions
Some low-carbohydrate diets take health, as well as weight loss, into account. The Glycemic Index Diet, for example, reduces only certain kinds of carbohydrates, namely those that are low in fiber, high in starch and overly processed or refined. The South Beach Diet significantly restricts carbohydrates but requires consumption of nonstarchy vegetables and makes exceptions for fruit. Most vegetables are nonstarchy. They include leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, okra, green beans and celery. Starchy vegetables are potatoes, peas and corn. Some diets put beets and carrots on the starchy list; others, such as the Body Ecology Diet, do not. These diets also recommend replacing proteins high in saturated fats with the protein provided by skinless poultry, seafood, tofu, beans, nuts and low-fat dairy.
Strategies for Health
A high-protein diet places extras stress on the kidneys, which can lead to kidney disease. To counteract this, eat more beans and less meat. Beans are lower in protein than meat and contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates, a good deal of it in the form of fiber, which is not typically counted as a carbohydrate on a low-carbohydrate diet. Beans are highly recommended by both the South Beach and Glycemic Index diets.
A diet high in protein causes the body to excrete calcium, which it takes from the bones. If you follow a low-carbohydrate diet for long periods of time, you may develop osteoporosis. To counteract this, do not consume more dairy products (because they are high-protein foods). Instead, consume more leafy greens, broccoli and Brussels sprouts; exercise more; and get more sunlight--all of which help build strong bones. Other activities that cause calcium excretion include caffeine, high-sodium diets and smoking.
If you abstain from the healthy carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruit and whole grains, you deny your body much-needed nutrients and fiber. This can lead to long-term health problems, including cancer. You can reduce carbohydrates significantly without entirely cutting out these healthy foods.