How to Fast With Whey Protein Shakes

Fasting has long been recognized as a way for the body to cleanse itself of toxins and waste. Many cultures use fasting for religious purposes as well. Embarking on a fast that involves eating one type of food-usually a fruit or vegetable-is another common practice that it sometimes preferable to a complete fast in which you only drink water. A whey protein fast may produce some of the same cleansing effects while keeping the body fed. You'll use a high-quality protein source coupled with a non-starchy vegetable for extra nutrients.

Things You'll Need

  • High quality whey protein powder
  • Supply of frozen or fresh vegetables
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      Determine the length of your fast. Some people fast only a day at a time, but generally a fast should be prolonged for three days or more if possible. If you know that you will be eating out or going to any social gatherings, you may want to plan your fast around that event so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Once you have determined the length of your fast and when you will start it, stick with it until you have finished completely.

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      Ingest one whey protein shake every three hours. The shake should consist of one to three scoops of whey protein mixed with filtered water. Along with the protein shake you should be consuming one serving, which is 1 cup, of a green leafy vegetable, such as broccoli, every three hours. This will help the body to feel full longer and provide it with necessary fiber to help cleanse the intestinal tract.

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      Limit exercise during your fasting phase. You energy stores will be low because your diet will be limited to a protein source and vegetables which are low in calories. You should experience a significant amount of weight loss during this period without vigorous exercise. Make your activity level equal to light walking for about 30 minutes per day. Light stretching may also be necessary to keep the body in a heightened state of fitness when cutting out exercise.

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      End the fast gradually. Do not gorge yourself with large amounts of food once the fast is over. You will be hungry when the fast is over even though you will be eating every three hours. The lack of carbohydrates and fats in your diet increase your urge to eat. When you end the fast, start by having a moderate sized meal consisting of more whey protein, leafy green vegetables, and another food source such as a small piece of meat or a carbohydrate source like a small baked potato without "fixin's."

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      Transition back to a more normal diet during the same amount of time it took to do the fast itself. If you fast for three days, then take another three days to gradually add regular foods back in. Also, be sure not to fast too often. You can allow time for intermittent fasting on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on how long you intend to fast.

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