How to Combine Low & Slow Carbs
Low-carbohydrate diets are a dime a dozen these days, and books, websites and advertisements on the subject abound. The trick to most of these low-carb plans is to incorporate what are known as slow carbs--foods with a low glycemic index--into your diet. Since slow carbs are absorbed more slowly by the body than regular "fast" carbs, your blood sugar stays stable and you feel fuller longer, preventing cravings for more food. To top it all off, slow carbs tend to contain more vitamins and nutrients than their fast counterparts, boosting your overall health.Things You'll Need
- Physician or nutritionist
- Reference books
- Slow carbs
Consult with a doctor or nutritionist about your nutritional goals. Your physician can help you come up with a personalized meal plan that combines slow carbs with a low-carb diet.
Read up on the glycemic indexes of various carbs. Books on low-carb diets such as the "South Beach Diet" by Arthur Agatston, M.D. or "The Fat Flush Plan" by Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S. contain this information and explain how the glycemic index can be changed depending on how you cook certain foods. These books also offer numerous suggestions about how to combine different types of carbs to lower their overall glycemic index and slow food absorption.
Stock up on slow carbs. Head to your local farmer's market or grocery store for whole wheat pasta and bread, barley, avocados, mangos and other fresh produce. Make sure to buy enough slow carbs for both meals and snacks. Meanwhile, rid your pantry of fast carbs such as white bread, rice and pasta, and sugary cereals or fatty carb-filled snacks such as potato chips.
Include at least one serving of slow carbs mixed with protein for each meal and snack, a standard combination in a low-carb diet. For example, eat whole wheat toast, an egg and a serving of fruit for breakfast; celery sticks with a tablespoon of peanut butter for a snack; and grilled fish or chicken with vegetables for dinner.
Eat three regular meals combining a serving of slow carbs and protein spaced out throughout the day as well as two to three healthy snacks in between meals in order to keep your blood sugar stable and your metabolism revved.