Protein Diet to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle Fast
Protein Loading
The high-protein/low-carb theory is based on the following principles: 1) if you reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume, the body will begin to burn fat for its energy supply; and 2) protein is the vital ingredient needed for muscle growth. Aim to incorporate good sources of protein such as eggs, beans, milk and nuts into your diet. Lean meat such as beef or chicken is also a good source of protein, although these are more difficult to digest and should not be eaten immediately before training. Increasing your protein intake will not only help to build muscle, it will also make you feel fuller after each meal, helping to reduce your overall calorie intake.
There can, however, be downsides to this diet. The restriction of carbohydrates such as cereal products can result in less fiber in your diet, leading to digestive problems. In addition, the lack of sugars may play with your moods; many people experience irritability when they restrict their carbohydrate intake.
It sounds contradictory, but fats are a vital part of the muscle-building diet. In the body they aid the production and storage of glycogen, the basic form of energy for our muscles. Steer clear of your local McDonald's and stick to natural fats, which are easier for the body to process. Healthy natural fats are found in avocado, olive oil, nuts and dairy products. Processed foods made with saturated fat don't contain many beneficial nutrients and will only hinder your attempts to burn calories and lose weight.
It is essential to replace fluids and electrolytes while working out. Maintaining a correct fluid balance will help you to train longer, burn more calories and build muscle. Keep a water bottle nearby so you can top up your fluid levels continually and prevent dehydration. When working out in hot conditions, you may lose electrolytes through excess perspiration. Sports drinks contain salts essential to maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, and sugars that supply your muscles with energy. And don't forget: by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.