Low Carb High Fiber Diet
Beginning and Maintaining a Low Carb, High Fiber Diet
To begin a low carbohydrate, high fiber diet, you must know which foods you can and cannot eat. Foods high in carbohydrates include bread, pasta, potatoes and rice. Sugar intake should also be low to maintain the goal of keeping blood sugar levels low. Although definitions vary about how many carbohydrates you should consume on a low carb diet, aim for as few as possible. Talk to a doctor or a nutritionist to find out what a good amount would is for you. Many websites have databases which you can search for nutritional information on almost any type of food. Some of these sites can be found in the resources section of this article. Packaged foods also contain the nutritional information.
Foods high in fiber include many vegetables, fruits and nuts. Aim for 30 to 40 grams of fiber a day. These foods are digested easily and move through the digestive system quickly. High-fiber foods also make the stomach feel full.
Finding foods to eat on a low carbohydrate meal can be difficult. Many of the foods we love are prohibited by this diet. To begin, find a low carb diet cookbook to give you an idea of what you can eat and how to prepare these foods.
As with all diets, the key to weight loss is lowering caloric intake and increasing exercise levels. To lose one pound you need to burn off about 3,500 calories. You can do this through a combination of exercise and diet. For some, a lower carbohydrate diet can lead to exhaustion and not having enough energy to maintain an exercise regime. It's always necessary to speak to your doctor before beginning any diet and exercise regime. Not all diets work for everyone. A diet low in carbohydrates is often higher in fat, and those with heart conditions should avoid diets high in fat, for example.