How to Eat a Healthy No Carbohydrate Breakfast
If you are on a low-carb or no-carb diet, it's still important to eat breakfast. Choosing healthy breakfast foods can increase your metabolism for the rest of the day. Eating a good breakfast also can protect you from having the urge to munch later in the morning. In order to steer away from carbohydrates and yet satisfy your appetite with healthy foods, follow some simple guidelines. Making wise breakfast choices can help you to lose weight while providing your body with the nutrients and energy it needs.Instructions
Choose lean proteins for breakfast. Eggs, chicken, turkey and even fish will give you energy and build muscle. Make sure you don't bread and fry your protein sources. Some proteins, such as bacon, may be low in carbs, but they may not be healthy for you due to their fat, cholesterol and sodium content.
Incorporate certain dairy products into your breakfast in order to consume protein and calcium. Some types of cheese contain only a minute amount of carbohydrates (1.5 grams or less per serving) and are allowed in some no-carb diets. Try monterey, parmesan, cheddar, muenster and brie.
Eat your vegetables; most have a small amount of carbs, but are still allowed in no-carb diets due to their benefits in terms of vitamins and fiber. Vegetables with the least number of carbohydrates per serving include radishes, cucumbers, celery, canned asparagus, Chinese cabbage, raw spinach and frozen, cooked broccoli.
Drink water or coffee without cream or sugar in order to avoid drinking carbohydrates with breakfast.