Low Carb Diets for Women Over 45
Raw Fruits and Vegetables
Eat five to eight servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day. Vegetables and fruit contain carbohydrates but they are very low in carbs. These foods are also good for you because they are loaded with enzymes and other nutrients. Your body needs calcium-rich vegetables like carrots and broccoli. Eat these foods often and try to eat your vegetables raw to get the most benefit from them. Cooking destroys many of the nutrients found in veggies. Eat fruit for breakfast and during snack times. Apples are great snacks, loaded with fiber and pectin. Pectin absorbs toxins in your body and helps to flush them through the colon. Eating apples daily can help keep your digestive system regular. While on a low carb diet you mainly want to avoid bad carbs like breads and cookies.
Healthy Fats and Oils
Consume some type of healthy fat or oil each day. According to the American Heart Association, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. This is vital for women over the age of 45 because they are more likely to develop heart disease with age. Triglycerides clog arteries which increases your risk of a heart attack. You can fight bad fat with good fat. Omega-3 fats are healthy fats that reduce inflammation and lubricate joints. Healthy fats are a great addition to a low carb diet because they have no carbohydrates. These good fats fuel your brain and protect your heart.
Foods that are rich in omega-3 fats include salmon, eggs and almonds. You can also buy cod liver oil or salmon oil as a supplement to your diet.
Avoid eating bread, cakes cookies and pasta. These are all high in carbs which can pack on the pounds. You can have healthy carbohydrates like vegetables but steer clear of pasta and fatty Italian food.
Women in this age group also need to eat calcium-rich foods like milk and cheese. Your body also needs iron so be sure to eat lean meats like turkey, chicken and buffalo. If you are not able to eat meat, be sure to take an iron supplement and eat good sources of vegetable protein like beans.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of pure water each day. Water is the transport system for nutrients. Water removes waste from cells and keeps your body hydrated on the inside. Avoid sugary drinks and coffee. Stay away from soda or other unhealthy beverages. Soda also depletes your body of water which is not good for overall health. If you must have coffee in the morning just have one cup and try to cut back over time. You can also substitute tea for coffee.