Cognition Skills on a Protein Diet
If you want to enjoy all the benefits of a high-protein diet and still be smarter than your friends, you can use the strategies here to stay sharp.
Exercise and Better Cognition
The connection between physical fitness and your mental capabilities is well-established. The more you exercise, the sharper you'll stay. People who make exercise part of their regular routine are able to analyze and retain complex information faster and better. Exercise promotes a better memory and improves your reasoning skills.
When it comes to the best kind of exercise, any exercise at all is better than none. Researchers have found that among older adults, people who didn't exercise had the lowest scores on tests designed to measure cognitive ability.
A varied exercise plan is good. You want to get your heart pumping, but you also want to strengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility. That means combining some cardio, some resistance training and some stretching or yoga.
When you're on a high protein diet, a regular exercise routine will do more than just boost your cognitive ability. It will also help you lose weight and build muscle, so you'll get multiple benefits.
Hobbies that Make You Smart
Your brain is like a muscle. You need to work it out regularly to keep it in shape. That means finding activities that are challenging and that you enjoy. The best brain-boosting hobbies are those that combine physical, mental and social aspects. Ballroom dancing, golf and orienteering are all good hobbies that will increase your brainpower.
Taking up a hobby that is purely a mental challenge is good, too. You might start working the crossword puzzle each day, learn to play an instrument or study a foreign language.
Brain-Boosting Supplements
You can also support your cognitive ability by taking a number of brain-boosting supplements. Most of these supplements have the added benefit of giving you extra energy that will help you take full advantage of your high-protein diet, too.
Phosphotidyl serine, ginkgo biloba and vinpocetine are three of the best supplements for enhancing mental clarity and cognitive function.
Phosphotidyl serine supports the health and activity of your brain cells. It makes them communicate and function better. Gingko biloba and vinpocetine help to increase blood flow to the brain. Better blood flow means more oxygen, and when your brain gets more oxygen, you feel more alert and clearheaded.
With careful planning, you can take full advantage of the health benefits of a high-protein diet and still build your brainpower.