Carbohydrate Free Diet for Rapid Weight Loss
How Carbohydrates Work
Carbohydrates, or carbs, is the collective term for sugars and starch found in food and drinks. Their primary function is to provide energy to our body. This is processed in our body and converted in glycogen. Glycogen on the other hand will then be stored inside our body for future use. Fat is what becomes of carbohydrates that are not utilized by the body. Having excessive amounts of fat in one's body is unhealthy and could lead to obesity and other diseases. It is important to know what foods you need to have in your diet.
Beverages and Other Drinks
Water in its purest form contains zero calories, zero carbohydrates. It keeps our body hydrated and helps in maintaining important bodily processes. A good way to suppress appetite is to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Diet sodas also contain zero carbohydrates.
Most oils such as corn oil, olive oil and safflower oil are carbohydrates-free. Bear in mind, though, that oil is high in fatty acids and fats, which could be unhealthy in excessive amounts.
Dairy products like butter, eggs and cheeses, do contain cars in very little amounts. There are no dairy products that contain zero carbs. Butter, although containing the least amount of carbs, is also high in fat and therefore should be consumed in moderate amounts. Milk is the only dairy product that should be avoided because it contains lots of carbohydrates.
Examples of salad vegetables with zero carbohydrates are lettuce, parsley, celery, mushroom, radish and spinach.
Eggs are also good sources of protein, tryptophan and amino acids.
Not all fish species are carbohydrate-free. Examples of no-carb fishes are salmon, tuna and sardines. Serving fish grilled, steamed and baked is more healthy and beneficial to people on a diet.
While on a diet, poultry like chicken and turkey are best served grilled, baked, steamed and broiled, rather than fried.
Unprocessed beef contains zero carbs. When processed, certain additives containing carbohydrates are mixed in.