Low Sugar & Low Carb Diets
Low-Carb Diets
Diet plans such as Atkins, The Zone and South Beach are low-carb diets. While the Atkins diet significantly reduces your carbohydrate intake, allowing mostly proteins and fats, South Beach and The Zone focus on foods that are low on the Glycemic Index--foods that tend to have only a moderate effect on blood sugar. Recent Nutrisystem plans also follow the Glycemic Index.
The Glycemic Index
The Journal of Nutrition defines the Glycemic Index as a list that quantifies how foods raise or lower blood-glucose levels. Sweets and starches often cause spikes in blood sugar, making energy levels "crash." For example, a bag of potato chips is high on the Glycemic Index. Although you might feel more energetic after eating chips, the feeling is temporary--when your blood sugar goes up quickly, it tends to come down quickly, too, leaving you tired. But if you ate a spinach salad with grilled chicken, which is low on the Glycemic Index, you would feel energized and full for a longer time.
There has been much controversy over the long-term success of low-carb diets. Although some low-carb dieters swear by their success, others believe diets that heavily restrict carbs are not healthy, because carbs are needed as a source of fuel throughout the day. Nutritionist Rachel Harris, R.D., of the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, NY, warns that diets low in carbohydrate may be low in fiber and B vitamins. Fiber, or roughage, is vital for digestion, and B vitamins are essential for energy metabolism and nervous-system health. Any diet that eliminates whole food groups in general is not healthy, Harris said. Rather, a diet low in refined sugar, which fits into the USDA food guide pyramid guidelines (see www.mypyramid.gov) is a long-term, maintainable healthy diet.
The Healthiest Approach
Although diets low in carbs may be effective for weight loss, they are hard to maintain over the long term. The healthiest approach to following a low-carb diet is to reduce unhealthy carbs while increasing healthy carbs such as whole grains and fruit. It is also important to include a variety of vegetables, legumes and heart-healthy oils. These foods will not only help you look and feel healthier, but may give you a greater chance of losing weight and keeping it off.