C.H.A. Diet
Lobilner watched his father die of type-2 diabetes by only cutting out high-fat foods from his diet. After this he began researching the effects of carbohydrates on the body and what's known as the glycemic index. Lobilner was determined to eliminate carbohydrates and instead focus on using fat as energy. "If carbs are 87 octane, then fats are racing fuel!" exclaims Lobilner in the book.
Book Contents
The introduction of the book gives information supporting the premise of the diet and breaks down the science behind fats, proteins, carbs, fruits and vegetables. It also provides formulas to determine how many calories a participant should consume while on the C.H.A. diet.
Next the book discusses the type of workouts people need to follow to have their bodies adjust to the new sources of energy. These workouts include low to moderate cardio and weight lifting. A chart of when meals should be consumed in view of when workouts occur is also included. Lobilner stresses that the more lean muscle a person wants to gain, the more she actually needs to eat. Moreover, starving yourself is one of the worst possible strategies for your body.
The next chapters are devoted to the 12-week mass-muscle-building plan. The workouts for each week are carefully detailed, as are the meals that need to be eaten to maximize the benefit from the workouts. Also, each meal is broken down by the amount of calories you should be consuming from each food group, such as carbs, proteins and fats.
The final part of the book discusses supplements you can take to help enhance the C.H.A. program and keep your body on track.
The C.H.A. diet is very similar to other "fad" diets that have been around much longer, such as the South Beach and Atkins diets. Some experts claim that the body needs carbohydrates to function and that too much fat will be harmful, while others say that high-carbohydrate diets are the way to go for quick weight loss. However, while many people try a variety of different diets, most doctors and personal trainers agree that an approach involving exercise and a moderate intake of carbohydrates is the best way to achieve the healthy lifestyle we all crave.