How to Measure Carbohydrates in Food
Measuring Carbohydrate in Pre-Packaged Food
Check the serving size on the nutrition label. All nutrition information, such as carbohydrate counts, is based on the serving size for that food. There may be more than one serving in a package of food, so pay attention to serving size and, if necessary, use a scale to measure portions.
Note the carbohydrate count, fiber count and the sugar alcohol count, if applicable, on the nutrition label.
To determine "effective carbs," that is, carbohydrates that your body recognizes and absorbs as carbohydrate, subtract the fiber and sugar alcohol grams from the carbohydrate count.
Measuring Carbohydrate Counts in Unpackaged Food
Find a reliable source of nutrition information for food. The book, "Corrine T. Netzer's Complete Book of Food Counts" is readily available at most bookstores. There are several online sources of nutrition information: offers offers comprehensive nutrition information based on United States Department of Agriculture data.
Use the nutrition data to determine portion size prior to checking carb counts. It is a good idea to weigh food on a scale to make sure that you have measured out servings properly.
To determine "effective carbs," that is, carbohydrates that your body recognizes and absorbs as carbohydrate, subtract the fiber grams from the carbohydrate count.