Instructions for a No Carb Diet

A no-carb diet is a quick way to lose weight. While it may be unrealistic to maintain a no-carb diet, the immediate effects are undeniable. There are dozens of no-carb diets out there, but the basis for all of them is essentially the same. By maintaining variety in your diet and striving to eat a healthy and balanced diet, you will surely see results.
  1. Balance

    • Most people don't realize what a large percentage of their diet comes from carbohydrates until they start to cut carbs. Fruits, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes all have to go. Sugary juices and alcoholic beverages are loaded with carbs and are not diet-friendly. Before starting a no-carb diet, you will need to decide on and purchase the types of food that your no-carb diet permits. Most people are accustomed to serving pasta, rice or potato as a side dish. Replacing that side dish with large servings of vegetables, eggs or cheese is a major hurdle when eliminating carbs from your diet. Be sure to add variety to your meals. Consuming a diet of mostly meat and cheese, though it seems delicious, can have a negative affect on your bodily processes. A mix of vegetables, protein and dairy is essential for proper digestion.


    • Avoid increasing portion size. Doubling the amount of meat you normally eat will work against your weight-loss efforts. Part of the reason low-carb diets work is because eliminating carbs reduces calories. Most diets that eliminate any food group entirely result in rapid weight loss. The thought of being on a diet often tricks your mind into thinking that you are hungrier than you really are. To prevent yourself from overeating, which could be counterproductive, drink plenty of water before meals. This will give your body the illusion of fullness, which can help prevent overeating.


    • As with all diets, you should consult your health care provider before making major dietary changes. A no-carb diet is not a well-balanced diet and can be very high in fat, if not done correctly. Your health care provider is the best judge of whether or not a no-carb diet is right for you. Should you experience excessive digestion issues, nausea, vomiting or dizziness while on a no-carb diet, return to a more balanced diet immediately and consult your doctor.

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