Negative Effects of a No Carb Diet
Neurological Effects
Carbohydrates feed more than just the muscle tissue; it also helps brain tissue function properly. A 2003 study conducted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) found that 29 percent of low- or no-carb participants said that they had difficulty concentrating and focusing during daily activities. Other reported effects included "light-headedness, vertigo attacks and feeling foggy." The research was based on an online program that invited people who used a high protein, low-carbohydrate diet to lose weight.
The PCRM researchers also said that when you eat less than 40 grams of carbohydrates per day you create a glucose deficiency in the brain which results in the reported neurological symptoms. One participant reported problems after only being on the diet for a short amount of time. Dangerous impacts of these symptoms could include impairment performing daily tasks such as driving, using heavy machinery or making important decisions.
Kidney Problems and Gout
When you slash carbs and boost protein-fueled food you run the risk of reduced kidney function. In fact, if you consume a large amount of animal products over an extended period of time, you can permanently lose all kidney function. The PCRM found that 19 percent of its study participants reported some sort of kidney problem after following a restricted carbohydrate diet. Eighty-nine percent said that they had reduced kidney function and 10 percent reported experiencing kidney stones. The American Academy of Family Physicians says that a high protein diet reduces renal calcium re-absorption which results in kidney stones.
Gout is another disease plaguing many high protein, carb-restricted dieters. Five percent of the PCRM participants reported gout symptoms due to the protein driven uric acid crystals forming in the joint fluid. Gout causes excruciating pain and can be a debilitating disease.
Heart Disease
The American Heart Association (AHA) warns against following a no- or low-carb diet for weight loss because it restricts the amount of important vitamins and minerals you get, and it increases your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The AHA adds that when you reduce plant-based, healthy carbohydrates you ultimately increase the animal-based proteins, which raises cholesterol levels and puts you at greater risk for heart disease.