How to Follow the No Carb Diet
Ketogenic Living
Limit your daily carb consumption to less than 30 grams in order to allow your body to switch from burning carbs for fuel to using fat. Accomplish this by rigorously counting carbs and limiting yourself to the consumption of meats, nuts, and vegetables, all of which are fairly low-carb foods. Remember that if you "cheat" on the diet during this time, having a higher carb day than prescribed, it will take your body that much longer to make its way into ketosis. As much as possible, avoid situations where you will be tempted.
Consume five to six small meals throughout the day while on a low-carb diet. This will serve to increase your metabolism, helping you to burn additional fat. On top of that, it will help to avoid periods of undue hunger between meals, when you will be more tempted to give in to carb-based temptation.
Consume the vast majority of your carbs from leafy green vegetables. Good green veggies to consider include broccoli, spinach, lettuce, and cucumber. This will fulfill a twofold purpose. First of all, these foods will help take up space in your stomach, without providing a noticeable amount of extra calories. Secondly, the fiber from green vegetables will keep you regular throughout the day, avoiding the constipation that is common among low-carb dieters. Aim for at least one serving of green veggies with every meal.
Split your macronutrient consumption equally between fat and protein. This means consuming at least one gram of fat for every two grams of protein. (A gram of fat has twice the calories than a gram of protein.) Making the mistake of keeping your protein intake too high while keeping your fat intake too low will prevent your body from fully utilizing fat as a fuel. Your body will then turn to using your lean body mass (stored protein) as a source of energy, which is an undesirable result.
Remember to avoid Frankenfoods, foods that purport to be low-carb versions of typical carb-laden foods like cookies, ice cream, and breads. These foods contain sugar alcohols, which, while not technically carbs according to labeling standards, will nevertheless increase your blood sugar levels and prevent you from reaching a state of ketosis. There are no shortcuts to effective low-carb dieting.