The Best Low Carb or Controlled Carb Diet
By examining the different low carbohydrate approaches, you will be able to design and blend the healthiest method for you. There are a number of well-known low carb diet plans, including the Atkins and Zone diets. The Atkins Diet has a phase in-period and some people are glad to learn that with this diet they can eat foods such as butter and red meat. The Atkins Diet, although effective for some in losing weight, contains a very low amount of carbohydrate, which can not only cause dizziness but also boredom with food choices as well. Atkins, however, boasts that a study conducted by Stanford University concluded that participants lost more than twice as much weight as those on other diet programs.
The Zone Diet
The Zone Diet differs from the Atkins Diet in that more carbohydrates are consumed. Additionally, Zone stays away from Atkins-type foods that contain saturated fats, such as steak and creams. Studies conducted by the Center For Science in the Public Interest concluded that although weight loss occurs more slowly with The Zone Diet than diets that contain less carbohydrates, it's healthier and participants were able to keep the weight off longer term. Although Zone is also restrictive regarding consumption of any simple sugars, it does encourage eating fruits and some bread unlike The Atkins method.
The key to the right low carb diet for most individuals is balance. By reducing the amount of unhealthy carbohydrates such as simple sugars and refined flour, you will lose unnecessary weight and feel better, Once you gain control over your body's actual carbohydrate needs, you will instinctively know what foods to eat. A good balance ratio based on U.S. Government guidelines is a diet consisting of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat. By listening to your body you should begin to consume the right amount of carbohydrates without the need to purchase diet plans or needing to measure or track your food consumption.