Sources of Lean Protein
Sushi is a great source of lean protein as long as you don't load it up with sodium-rich soy sauce. Ground sirloin, chicken tenderloin and lean pork chops are also low in fat but high in protein. At the deli counter, stick with meats such as chicken and turkey breast to load up on lean protein.
Frozen edamame, also known as green soy beans, make a great snack and are high in protein and low in fat.
Avoid hot dogs, bacon and more than two servings of red meat a week. These foods may have protein but also pack a lot of fat in them.
Eating the right kinds of lean protein can lower your blood sugar and keep you feeling full longer; perfect for those trying to lose weight.
Those with diabetes should avoid consuming too much protein as it can put undo stress on the kidneys. Saturated fats found in red meats can also make you resistant to your insulin.