How to Follow a Diet Without Grains & Sugar
Find an appropriate diet to follow. The Atkins, South Beach and Zone diets all stress reducing carbohydrates. Use one of those diets or find a different one that works best for you.
Make a meal plan based on the diet you've chosen. You can eat the same meals every day, or make a plan with different meals all week long. Choosing what meals to eat beforehand reduces the chance that you'll eat something you shouldn't.
Eliminate all food in your home that contains grains, sugar and white flour. Most low-carbohydrate diets also don't count certain carbohydrates like fiber and sugar alcohols. Keep this in mind when eliminating grains and sugar.
Seek social support. It helps to have family and friends who can support your weight-loss efforts. Ask a friend or family member to go on a diet with you, find a local support group or join an online forum (see Resources).
Learn to cook for a low-carbohydrate diet. Find recipes that use flour and sugar substitutes (see Resources).